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Who We Are

Programs for the Whole Child

Zia Elementary is committed to fostering the development of the whole child. Our teachers focus on an educational style that is sensitive to individual learning needs, and is adaptive to each child's unique learning style. We value diversity and inclusion, teamwork and collaboration, and seek out multiple opportunities for each child to learn and succeed.

All Zia students have access to a wide variety of enrichment activities that support personal and academic growth, such as:

  • Weekly Eagle Hour: modeled on the "Genius Hour" concept, students select an area of interest to explore each quarter, guided by Zia staff facilitators. Past Eagle Hour classes have included such diverse areas as Cartoon Drawing, Engineering, Mythology, Plants and Gardening, Space Exploration, Student Government, Drama, Community Arts, and Sports Skills.
  • Zia's Community Time: time built into the daily schedule for students to practice crucial social and emotional skills - students learn strategies to help them interact in the classroom, with peers, maintaining positive friendships, and more.
  • Zia Field Trips: Zia classes visit a variety of locations and activities to enhance learning and real-world experiences. Popular field trips include the Rio Grande Bosque, Elena Gallegos Open Space, the Albuquerque Museum, and the Albuquerque BioParks.
  • Zia's new STEM Lab and Makerspace! Fall of 2023 will be the opening of our new STEM Lab and Makerspace where all students will soon have an opportunity to build, explore, code, invent, and learn in a hands-on way with both 20th, and 21st, century materials and skills!

In addition to general education at each grade level, you will find students participating in the following programs:

  • Programs for Visually Impaired students
  • Special Education and Related Services
  • Learning Lab for students who qualify for Gifted Education
  • English as a Second Language
  • Dual Language classes (based on space available and parent choice)

Zia Teachers are Learners, Too!

Zia Elementary teachers have lots of opportunities to learn together and from each other. Together, our teachers learn new strategies and ideas in formal teacher-led PD and in structured or casual conversations. Zia teachers have opportunities to observe each other's lessons, to talk about different ways to help all students, and to share best practices in teaching. Zia teachers have built a strong community of respect and trust, where we are always open to learning new ideas and sharing what we know with the teachers next door. We are very proud of our student-centered culture that brings the very best teaching into our classrooms!

Family Involvement

Our families and community members are a very important part of Zia Elementary and we pride ourselves on partnering with the PTA to offer opportunities outside the regular school day where family and community members can support their child's learning by being involved in various academic and social events.

These activities include:

  • Zia's Ice Cream Social
  • Back to School curriculum night
  • Family Fitness events
  • PTA meetings
  • Science Fair/ Science Night
  • Campus Clean-Up & Gardening opportunities
  • Spring Sock Hop
  • Science Fair

Visit the Zia Elementary PTA webpage or the school calendar for dates and times for these events!

Community Partnership

In addition to the core curriculum of reading, writing, math, science, and social studies, all students participate in music or art, physical education, and library studies. We partner with organizations in the community to bring exciting, real-world learning opportunities to children at Zia. These organizations have included:

  • National Dance Institute
  • River Exchange
  • Starbase (DoD)
  • Explora!
  • New Mexico Fish and Wildlife
  • Popejoy Schooltime Series
  • New Mexico Humane Society