Health Information
General Health Office Rules & Guidelines
New Mexico law requires all students to be currently immunized or in the process before entry into school. Proof of vaccination or exemption will be required at registration.
The school nurse should be informed of any health concern, medical diagnosis or medications a student is taking. Any student who is ill or injured is to be seen in the health office, and the nurse or health assistant will coordinate with the parent to determine whether or not the student needs to go home. Students will only be released to a person listed on their emergency card after verification with a picture ID.
Prescription and over the counter medications can be stored in the health office with the proper paperwork. Medication forms can be printed from the FORMS section of this page.
Get Health Care
Our goal is for all students and families to have healthcare.
If you need assistance please contact the APS Medicaid Enrollment Project . Even if you have previously not qualified for Medicaid, they may be able to help!
- (505) 855-5261 (English)
- (505) 855-9820 (Bilingual)
Preventing Colds and the Flu
The fall and winter months are a time when colds, flu, and other communicable diseases are at their peak. Here are some steps you can take to help your child stay healthy and stay in school:
- Keep immunizations up-to-date.
- Encourage hand-washing at home. and stomach illnesses.
- Teach your child to cough or sneeze in your sleeve or tissue.
- Discourage your child from sharing their food, beverages, and eating utensils with others.
- Finally, please keep your sick child home. Children with fever and obvious signs of illness should not come to school. Students should be fever-free for 24 hours before to returning to school.
Danielle Steiner, School Nurse
(505) 260-2020 ext. 22704
Deanne Cassin, Health Assistant
(505) 260-2020 ext. 22705
Office Hours
Monday through Friday from 8:40 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.